Felt Little Owl Bookmark - one of the great allies of reading are undoubtedly the bookmarks. There are a myriad of templates for bookmark templates available on the web, however, I decided to make a piece in that owl-like style that always delights anyone!
Bookmarks are useful, because they prevent us from folding the edges of the pages to mark the place where we stopped reading, thus preserving the beauty of the book. It's a great suggestion for gifting lovers, students and teachers! For sure you´ll love to craft a cute piece like this!!
It is also a very cool idea of souvenirs for teachers' day because besides being beautiful and cute, it is very simple and practical to do. You want to learn? Then watch the step-by-step video of this play available on our YouTube channel or fanpage.
To watch on YouTube, click here: STEP BY STEP Little OWL BOOKMARK

Felt Little Owl Bookmark
Print the A4 sheet template. This is already life-size but on some printers there may be variations so if you have doubts about how to resize the molds, go to the post we made here on the blog teaching you to work on this step. Click here and find out how.
If you have doubts or do not know how to calculate the value of your pieces of your crafts after they are finished, click here and read the post where we teach to do this step. Now let's mold you to play with your creativity and imagination! A good job to all!

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